First Word November 2023


The Church keeps All Souls and All Saints in early November and that leads on to the Remembrance Services we will keep in our villages and schools. It is a period of reflection, one where we remember those who have died, giving thanks for the good example and loving influence they have been in our own lives. And at Remembrance we recall the sacrifices both serving armed forces and civilians made to bring us through two world wars and subsequent conflicts, which remains central to the lives of the armed services to this day. The war in Israel and the Palestinian territories reminds us of how fragile peace is, how easily the lives of millions can be turned upside down. We reflect on the great losses there. We pray for a cessation of conflict, for the building of a lasting peace, and for the suffering and the lost. The greatest legacy we can protect and pass on is peace, without it people cannot prosper and life is made impossible. So we pray for brave and wise leadership, and peace and justice for all involved. Fr Richard