
St. Mary the Virgin Church
Narborough Road
PE32 1JA

Deborah Davis: 01760 337675
Church Office: 01760 338562
The village of Narford has almost disappeared through various clearances over the centuries. The Parish Church of St. Mary the Virgin stands a little way from the road and close to Narford Hall, the seat of the Fountaine family since the 17th century. Arrangements to view the church can be made with the Rector of the Nar Valley Group-c/o The Church Office, Narborough, PE32 1TE 01760 338562. The church is plain inside but has an interesting double sedilia and Easter sepulcher. The church and churchyard are reached along the " Church way" to the west of Narford Hall park grounds. Presently not used on a regular basis. Morning Prayer services on the fourth Saturday morning from Easter until end of September - during the vacancy these will commence at 9am and will be on fourth Saturdays of the month 27 April, 25 May. 22 June, 27 July, 24 August, 28 September. All welcome. Contact the Church Office for further details. We are in the process of carrying out internal repairs and limewashing. We need to raise £ 36,129 excluding VAT. To date the Norfolk Churches Trust have committed to award a grant of £ 10,298 towards this work. The Garfield Weston Foundation have awarded a grant of £ 6,000; the Benefact Trust have awarded a grant of £ 2,950, the Paul Bassham Charitable Trust a grant of £2,000 The Geoffrey Watling Foundation £ 2,500 and the Lay Rectors - The Church Commissioners on behalf of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich Cathedral £ 8,200 and the Listed Places of Worship VAT reclaim scheme £681. The challenge is to find the remaining £ 3500 If you have had any connection with Narford Church we invite you to send a donation to our treasurer Mrs Susan Nairn c/o 20 Hillside, Swaffham PE37 7QU - BACS details are Narborough with Narford PCC : Sort Code 20-28-20 : Account Number 90660051 and mark for Narford decorating. If 35 people could each donate £ 100 we would reach our target. This church has risen from the dead and now we want it to shine as a bright star for God's mission - can you help us please by prayer or by donation. Thankyou. up dated 18 February 2024 Parish Safeguarding Adviser - Mrs Anne Huggett Link to Diocesan Safeguarding is "Individuals who wish to make representations about safeguarding can make direct contact with the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser ( or 01603 882345) or use the NSPCC telephone number 0808 800 5000 However, recognising that this may not feel safe for those with a lived experience of abuse from within the Church, a dedicated telephone helpline - 0800 80 20 20 - operated independently from the Church, by the NSPCC is also available."